Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Cooking, my new passion

Living alone has so many perks. It also has its downs. One of which occurs in the kitchen.  It is so hard to cook for one person! All the single ladies living alone out there hear me. For instance, this weekend at the farmers market I only wanted one cucumber & one tomato because if I get a whole basket full, the veggies go bad- and go bad quick.  The sweet farmers took pity on the single girl living alone and gave them to me for free, but I couldn't do that so I gave them the change I did have.   

Although I definitely have the junk in the trunk to prove I never go hungry, it is hard to consume a gallon of milk, a whole bag of potatoes, an entire salad mix...the list goes on and on.  I'm not complaining, I love love love   living on my own.  I especially love cooking in my sweet little kitchen.  I made some nutella cookies the other day from this blog.  So stinkin' yummy.  I took them to UATV and was critical of my dessert, but soon realized the cookies were delicious.  However, I ate the leftovers on top of ice cream (sinful) and stepped on the scale.  Cringed. I would choose chocolate over a run any day. 

*For those that don't know what nutella is...run to the peanut butter aisle and shove your head in a jar

I used a knife to mix in the nutella, but you can use any sharp object: toothpick, husk teeth.  

First two rows are batter mixed with nutella.

Licked it clean!
Vanilla: I've started adding it to pancakes.
 It is a totally essential ingredient to have in your spice cabinet.  
In other news....Madalyn's wedding is a month away.  Pictures from her bachelorette party are soon to come in the next post! 

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