Tuesday, July 26, 2011

A day in pictures.

A compilation of pictures from a day in my life.

This little guy was exhausted from his day of metro rides and the D.C. zoo. His poor mama sounded tired too. She had been carrying him all day!

I cooked some bacon the other day. It was supposed to be the "healthy kind." That's a lot of grease for a supposedly dietary bacon. That's sort of an oxymoron.

If you know me, you know I love politics and the news. And when those two are combined, I fall head over heels. I grew up watching Tim Russert. We didn't have cable, so while other kids watched cartoons on Sunday mornings, I watched "meet the press." Tim Russert is a legend-not just as a wonderful tv personality but as a dad, husband, son and American. All who watched him felt close to him. This is how his office looked the day he had the sudden heart attack that took his life. The Newseum has this special section for him open right now.

Just the scenery I pass everyday on the walk to work. How lucky am I? I secretly hope Michelle and the girls will just come out one day and say hello. That's a fat chance.


Saturday, July 23, 2011

Pentagon Memorial-how I got lost

So-I've never been awesome at directions. I'm good with landmarks like...where's the nearest Quick Trip or is it out south? So tonight I decided the last place I wanted to see before going back home in a few weeks (eek :)) is the Pentagon Memorial. The planner that I am looked up the metro ride, where to walk, which line to take etc. So I get there.

Follow my walking directions...but the memorial looks outrageously far away. After I ask many a man in uniform, none of them know where this memorial is! I'm like "really?"

Thank goodness for the man with the big gun and armored outfit. He actually laughed.

Here's to the real stuff from the night. The Pentagon Memorial. Very eerie after the attack on Norway.

There was a bench for each of the 184 people who died at the Pentagon. These are the benches-it has a fountain underneath each bench. The area is so calming, yet reminds us each of those who gave their lives that fateful day.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Finally! Some MOVEment.

This Wednesday, Congressman Burgess introduced the National Neurological Disease Surveillance System Act, also known as H.R. 2595.  This is something my mom worked tirelessly on during the 111th Congress.  Sadly, her efforts and the efforts of so many people were put to a stop when my Senator, Senator Coburn or as many call him "Dr. No" put the bill to a halt. 

Not this year, though, Dr. No.  We are going full force...and I have all the hope that we will get something accomplished this year!

H.R. 2595 would create a centralized data collection system at the CDC and it will collect data about neurological diseases-like MS.   Very exciting stuff! Just hoping we can get something through,

Hoping to go to the Pentagon memorial tonight and the newseum this weekend.  D.C., you have been good to me!

Below are some pictures from the briefing I worked on last week. 
Speaking on the importance of MS Research

With Congressman Carnahan and Burgess along with other MS Public Policy intern Carrie

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Homemade dinner-two nights in a row!

Veggie and mushroom pasta with chicken! Just added chicken and oregano seasoning. Oh, and a white balsamic vinegar with olive oil. That's my new basic ingredient- which is sort of a bad thing.

Well it was so beautiful to look at, now...

Well that was a yummy dinner.

"working together"

The headline around the nation for the past month.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Lobstah love

This was an amazing lunch. A lobster roll from the lobster food truck. Definitely worth the wait in the blistery heat and the line that circled around the block.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

My obsession

I am totally and completely in love with Greek salads. I had another one this weekend and just decided that "hey, I can probably make that!" So-I did!

Here's the final product!

I'm having it for lunch tomorrow, too!! Yummy!

Monday, July 18, 2011

Where did time go?

I haven't had the chance to talk about the wonderful time I had when my mom, Merydith and Max came to visit! I'll let the pictures do the talking..

Ford's theater where Lincoln was assassinated.

4th of July parade on Constitution Avenue. Pretty patriotic!

Fireworks at Washington Harbor.

D.C. will eventually be my home- one day. Love this town. Also- here are some pictures of the Washington Cathedral.

Oh, yeah...did I mention I met Newt?

Thursday, July 7, 2011


Gosh, this last month has gone by way too quickly. I haven't updated in forever- mainly because of my new addiction to pilates! I have been going to at least one class a night, if not two! It has been such a great blessing.

Well, it has been a glorious time in D.C. I guess the last time I left yall was when my dad and sister came in town.