Saturday, July 23, 2011

Pentagon Memorial-how I got lost

So-I've never been awesome at directions. I'm good with landmarks like...where's the nearest Quick Trip or is it out south? So tonight I decided the last place I wanted to see before going back home in a few weeks (eek :)) is the Pentagon Memorial. The planner that I am looked up the metro ride, where to walk, which line to take etc. So I get there.

Follow my walking directions...but the memorial looks outrageously far away. After I ask many a man in uniform, none of them know where this memorial is! I'm like "really?"

Thank goodness for the man with the big gun and armored outfit. He actually laughed.

Here's to the real stuff from the night. The Pentagon Memorial. Very eerie after the attack on Norway.

There was a bench for each of the 184 people who died at the Pentagon. These are the benches-it has a fountain underneath each bench. The area is so calming, yet reminds us each of those who gave their lives that fateful day.

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