Sunday, June 5, 2011

Below the Mason Dixon Line

Welp, I made it through the first weekend in the big city! In my previous post, I didn't really tell ya'll about the quirky things that happened throughout the week. I was mainly just business.

I smile. A lot. I smile at everyone. People in New York, they didn't necessarily ever smile back- but it's not like they frowned. Here in D.C.? People think I'm crazy. Today I smiled at at runner...okay so he just happened to be a super delicious looking runner...but I smiled and pretty sure I heard him think outloud 'someone must have given that girl ecstacy.' Too bad I've never done drugs, hottie mc hottie.

I do love the sixe of D.C. On Tuesday I was getting on the Metro. I look up and who do I see? My friend, John Brooks! John and I were student council BASIC camp counselors together a.k.a. the best week of my life! It was such fate! I couldn't believe it. So, John and I went out last night and talked politics, college life, etc. It was fabulous.

There are homeless people all over D.C. and Georgetown. There's a guy- I think his name is Willy. Willy sits in the same spot every morning and asks for spare change. I was praying for him one night and promised myself I would give him whatever I had in my purse. So, I told Willy..."Okay, I'll give you a dollar, but you have to stop smoking. " Willy responded, " Lady...I've been trying to stop smoking for 25 years." Alas, a deed I thought would help Willy just makes me want to asks him even more questions.

I think one of the finest moments I have had here in the City Hall dorm is that of my first night here. On May 29th, my birthday, I flew from Tulsa to D.C. So, with the fact that I turned 22 that day and that I was traveling on my birthday made me feel old. Really old. So, after I was all moved into my room at the dorm, I said bye to Sammy and then went upstairs to bed, because let's get real, it was almost 11 p.m. I caught the elevator and there were a few guys in there. Sidenote: If you've hung out with me in the past few months, you've heard this ferocious cough that I have and have yet to get rid of. Back to the story, I get in the elevator and as I'm coughing up a lung, the guy in the elevator says "Wow, that's some cough you got there." Jokingly, I say, "Ya, it's from all my years of smoking those dang cigarettes. Can't break the habit.." Sidenote: If you know anything about me, you know I don't smoke. Well, elevator boy didn't quite get the joke. I think he was a little confused, but eventually caught onto the sarcasm. As he's getting off the elevator, he throws out a chance for a little rendeveous. "Well, I'm so and so from Wisconsin. There's some guys and we're drinking in room 608. You should come on over."

  1. I thought, this kid has never watched one Lifetime movie where girls my age get snatched up and never heard from again after being 'invited' to come 'chill' in a dorm room. What does he think I am, a rookie? Boy, please.

  2. I was flattered.

  3. I was befuddled. I had mascara down to my cheeks, eyeliner was smeared and I'm sure I smelled like an American Airlines Eagle flight. Not to mention, my breath was probably haneous.

  4. A little voice inside me said "You still got it, even at 22." Which, I know isn't old, but I was having a growing-up-mid-lilfe-crisis.

  5. I felt like I was a freshman in college, again.

  6. Then, I realized. What are these 'kids' doing drinking in their rooms? Dorm rooms, to be exact. Why don't they go to a.....AHAH! They can't get into a bar, or go buy beer. These kids are totally babies and I am an old hag.

In my office, the girls told me it's pretty much law you don't get married before you turn 30. Thank goodness. So glad this is a trend here! Young people should live their lifes, get out there, before being tied down. And by tied down I mean, starting the next phase of life.

Friday night, Sammy and I went to get Lebonase food. It was delicious! I have loved Lebonase food since I was in my teens when I babysat for a Doctor from Lebbanon. Sammy didn't quite appreciate the ethnicity. But, as usual, he was a trooper!

If anything else exciting happens, believe me, you will know!

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