Monday, June 13, 2011

Pilates, Skyping, Kayaking, Shopping

Last Thursday night, I got to skype my family! It was so nice to see my sweet mama and sister.

She even let me take a picture of her...a rare occassion! Then I asked my grandparents if they would come on camera, too!

Grandpa Tom tried to get low enough for the camera, and consequently fell on Grandma Lois.Married 62 years and they still laugh at each other. My cousin Stuart was in town from Houston, TX. so I got to see my Aunt Vicki, Uncle Gary and my Aunt Susan.
My family has a really good system of communicating. We communicate pretty well...and I think a lot of that has to do with writing. My Dad and Mom both always write me letters at school and now, they are writing me letters here in D.C.! These are just the letters from my first week in the nations Capitol.

On Friday my office went to help set up the Bike MS in Virginia. It was ridiculously hot! I knew I was from Oklahoma, though, when I started talking about the chigger bites I was getting from being out in the grass. "What's a chigger bite? Where are they?" said one of the chapter workers. That's when I had to explain that you won't actually see the aftermath of a chigger bite until you get home and can't stop itching!

Friday night, Sammy, Randy, John and I went to Adams Morgan. It was fun and I think the guys had a really great time. We ate at this place called giant pizza, where you get literally a giant pizza for $5. It was packed. But, the best part about Friday night was that Randy and John wore the exact. same. outfit. I couldn't get them to pose for a picture, so I had to take an action shot in the metro.

Blue button down polo, khaki shorts with a chocolate brown belt, and sperrys. Classic.

This weekend Sammy and I went kayaking. I was exhausted afterwards and slept from about 2 p.m. until 6 p.m. It wasn't even sunny! I'm a wimp... Sundayt Anna Paige and I went to St. Peters Church right behind the Capitol. It was awesome...there were families all over.

Got my father's day cards and presents! Woohoo! I am getting out of my procrastination mode...

Have a great week!

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