Friday, June 3, 2011

First Week of Public Policy

I just came home from my first week of my internship at the National Multiple Sclerosis Society Public Policy Office. It has been a thrill to learn all that I have this week. Even with Memorial Day, I still crammed my brain with information about Medicare, Medicaid, the Debt Ceiling, Healthcare reform, Caregivers, Neurological Bills...this is the stuff I crave! To describe just how much of a political junkie I am, I've starting carrying in my bag a list of the 112th Congressional Directory. I'm so cool, right?

Tuesday I really dove right into the mix. I work with some really great people, all of which have either a Masters in Public Policy or a Law degree. Needless to say, I come into the office every morning with a list of questions, eagerly waiting to hear what these women (there are men who work in the office, but they are out of pocket this week...) have to say. I looked into articles pertaining to the federal budget and how the cuts to bring down the debt will compromise healthcare i.e. medicaid. About 30% of the MS population relies on Medicare so I researched what the actual differences are between the two very similar words. Medicaid is a federal-state program where the Fed's match X amount of dollars. Medicare is just a federal program.

Why should YOU be concerned with this issue? How can you help? Why, so glad you asked that! If the federal budget is slashed like some of Congress want to do, then Medicaid will be the first to go since it is a large part of the budget. This means the program will soley rely on state funding, which is limited already, and those peoples who only have Medicaid as their health plan will be up a creek without a paddle. Big time. You can help by calling your US Rep, your US Senator. Tell them that you don't want these big cuts to take away from the health system in this country. Tell them you want a mix of budgeting between different things. You are the constituents, they need to listen to you...and if they don't, vote 'em out!

Wednesday was hectic and I got stuck on one side of town because of a custormer service issue I was having...a slow day at the office, thankfully.

Thursday I went to some health care meetings about bills that aren't even on the floor. Which, to be honest, was really boring. I don't know why other organizations are having meetings about bills that haven't even reached the point of discussion. Thankfully, the girls at the office informed me about the bills that the other organizations were talking about and how these bills are relative to MS Society. Also, I made 'Dear Colleague' phone calls on a bill going before the appropriations committee next week. That was awesome! I got to talk to Health LA's for Senators from all over. Very cool!

Today I went to The Hill for a meeting on health care and how states are dealing with "dually eligible" Americans. When a person is eligible for Medicare and Medicaid, they are dubbed "dully eligible." Therefore, some people need both to get all their medical needs covered.

Message from this week...get involved, know what issues concern you and call your Rep's and Senator's so they can know what matters to their constituents!

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